He did sit-ups on an electric pole and left more than 10,000 homes without power


The unusual “sit-ups” performed by a young man on an electric pole left more than 10,000 families without electricity in a Chinese city.

A unusual event in the city of Chengdu, the capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan, located in the southwest of the country. A 22 year old climbed on a power line pole do a session of ABDOS, but his intrepid adventure ended with more than 10,000 homes without electricity.

The rise in 10 meters exercising, and this ultimately caused the blackout, after the young man argue with other people.

According to local media, after learning of the unprecedented situation, the authorities of the electricity company in the region decided to carry out a emergency shutdown which has affected tens of thousands of residents. Learning what was going on, many of them they went out into the street to witness the unusual scene.

The images did not take long to be made viral via social media and the young man finished the show when the authorities arrived and took him away arrested for public disturbance, as published Bugle.

Local press explained that the young man climbed to the pole for exercise after arguing with a group of people (it was not specified whether they were friends, members of the family or strangers), and that was his way of doing things. expel anger that he wore inside.

The inhabitants of the aforementioned city of the Asian giant surely never imagined that a single man could cause such a breakdown. A massive storm or technical failure companies involved in the production and / or distribution of electricity services seemed a more logical cause of what ultimately happened.

In this direction, imprudence “without feet or head” who left a sector of Chengdu in the dark ended up showing that the young man in question had also “turned off the light”.

When we believe that we have seen everything in life, human beings always have a new surprise in store, for better or for worse as in this case. The extended mandatory confinement in various parts of the world due to the pandemic physical and psychological sequelae in many people, and this young Chinese ended up being one of the best examples.


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