He died in a hotel and his wife had to pick up the body | the Chronicle


54-year-old man died while spending a day with a young woman at a hotel in the Paraguayan town of Presidente Franco. As the girl fled from the room screaming, the dead man could not be identified until a few hours later, when his wife called him on her cell phone and a policeman answered and explained what was wrong with him. had happened.

“The officials entered the room and found the man very ill, so they called the fire department, who rekindled the gift and then took him to the hospital.”, said the commissioner Rodolfo Ortiz, according to the Misiones Online portal.

The deceased was identified as Juan R., who died a few minutes after arriving at the health center. The cause of death was a heart attack, according to information provided by the medical examiner who treated him.

Ortiz explained that the identity of the deceased’s lover did not transcend, as the woman left the scene when the man was transferred to the hospital.

The incident happened Thursday afternoon, but it was not until midnight that the deceased’s relatives were found.

The man did not have a phone number to locate his relatives and his cell phone was blocked. At midnight the victim’s wife called the cell phone where we explained what had happened and around 2 a.m. he arrived at the police station and we gave him the body“Said the intervening officer.


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