He died of a heart attack during a full trial. The former Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi | Chronic


The former president of Egypt Mohamed MorsiOne of the Muslim Brotherhood figures, who was overthrown in 2013 by the military and serving a life sentence, died Monday of a heart attack after appearing in court that ruled him, reported media.

Mursi fainted during the hearing, which forced him to postpone, and died soon after, reported the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram.

The newspaper did not specify the causes of the death of the former president jailed since July 3, 2013 and subjected to numerous trials since.

This 67-year-old politician became the first elected president of the country in 2012, after winning the elections held after the fall of Hosni Mubarak a year earlier, and had been overthrown in 2013 by a coup of the military state.

After his overthrow, he was arrested and tried for many cases – including one where he was sentenced to death – which he rejected and described as a political campaign against him.


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