He died on a date when a suicide bomber fell from the sky | the Chronicle


A young American enjoyed a love date in the city of San Diego, California, United States, not knowing that it would be the last. It was near Petco Park, a stadium where the major baseball leagues play, when the unexpected happened.

What happened?

The young woman identified as Taylor Kahle, 29 He was enjoying Sunday night with a companion in the East Village neighborhood of San Diego, but came out of nowhere a man jumped from the ninth floor of a parking lot.

The alleged suicide fell on Kahle, who died instantly for serious human-caused injuries, the identity of which has not been disclosed. The woman’s companion was not injured.

The woman died a week before turning 30, for that day, he had big plans. Her closest friends were going to come to her town to celebrate with her, “They were all going to stay in a rented house in Temecula and their father was going to take the group to a vineyard for a wine tasting,” reported the San Diego Union Tribune.

I met “someone who loved, was new, had just started and I was delighted to have a connection with someone. “, expressed Laurel McFarlane, friend and colleague of the victim.


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