He disappeared 10 years ago and they found his body behind the refrigerator in a supermarket.


he Murillo's body appeared behind a refrigerator on the site of a former No Frills located in 1817, West Broadway, in the town of Council Bluffs, said the site Omaha.com. The shop it was closed since 2016 and only in January of this year had begun its remodeling.

Murillo's mother, Ana Moncada, explained in 2009 that her son had become "disoriented" after a day at the supermarket on 27 November. he heard voices and was prescribed antidepressants. A day later, the boy disappeared.

supermarket employee.jpg

Investigators now believe that Murillo would have gone to work on November 28th. would have climbed to a refrigerator to reach certain goods and had fallen between the camera and the wall.

Local officials said it was common for products to be stored in the 45 centimeters of space between the refrigerators and the wall.

Murillo was 1.65 meters tall and weighed about 63.5 kilos at the time of his disappearance. His body has signs of having been "a long time" where they found it, but it was ruled out that the boy suffered some kind of trauma.

Although it's easy to imagine that Murillo is stuck between the fridge and the wall, even though he's not beefy, it's a bit more complicated to understand the picture. nobody noticed for almost 7 years that the store was still working.


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