He discovered bin Laden's face in a shell | Chronic


A woman from Brentsford, in west London, England, was surprised when she discovered the face of the famous terrorist, who died today, Osama bin Laden In a shell.

Debra Oliver He is 60 years old and recently discovered, when he was walking with his partner on Winchelsea Beach in East Sussex, that the shell of the aforementioned object was presented. "true resemblance" with the head of al Qaeda, killed by the United States exercise, and that is why he seized it.

As Debra explained to the local press, he felt "attracted by the curious find" when I was walking with Martin (62), her husband, in full celebration of her 42nd wedding anniversary.

In the same statements, the woman revealed that the surprising situationn "is curious because he (bin Laden) was also buried in the sea"So, after making him laugh, he decided to keep it "Like a little memory".

Oliver, 60, wears the shell with the face of Bin Laden. (Daily Star)

"It's not so common to find a shell that looks like anybody else." Finding Osama bin Laden was so amazing – we all went for a walk on the beach, covered with millions and millions of shells and pebbles. "Oliver said, still amazed.

Finally, he recalled that: "I was attracted to this curious-looking shell and I went to get it.When I looked at it carefully, I thought it looked like Jesus." I saw a turban on top and I realized who was looking at me in the palm of my hand: Osama bin Laden ".

This is the shell with the face of bin Laden. (Daily Star)


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