He disguised himself as a dog to rape his Siberian | Chronic


A 21-year-old man was arrested in Florida, United States, after one of his neighbors recognized him in a video that he had recorded while he was raping his dog .

According to local media, Christian Stewart Oscar Nichols He had published a recording in which he could see the abuse of Ebert, a Siberian husky, who had also been hit with a bad toy by the subject.

After several days of investigations beginning with the anonymous report of January 25 this year, on February 11, Nichols was arrested for the serious crime of "Cruelty to animals aggravated".

This is not the first case of badual abuse, in recent months, many have been reported around the world; one of them was that of a man who, for years, used his dog for badual purposes and died as a result of a penile infection.

Nichols will be tried for "cruelty to animals".


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