He donated his mother's body for the study of Alzheimer's disease, but discovered that the army was energizing him


Doris Stauffer died at the age of 73 from the aftermath of a rare Alzheimer's disease. His family decided to donate his body so that scientists could study his brain and discover the gene of the disease that would have mutated. However, they learned that the remains had another destination: the US military had bought them exploit them in an experiment.

After a thorough investigation, it was found that the man in charge of this maneuver was the Arizona Biological Resources Center (BRC). Its owner, Stephen Gore, pleaded guilty to misusing dozens of bodies.

Jim, the son of Doris Stauffer, reported that his mother's body had been illegally sold to the army. (Photo: Reuters)
Jim, the son of Doris Stauffer, reported that his mother's body had been illegally sold to the army. (Photo: Reuters)

Doris' son, Jim, explained in a television interview that his mother had died in 2014. Specialists, interested in his rare health problem, suggested that he donate his body to investigate his brain. That's how it happened at the BRC of Maricopa County.

The staff of this company badured the family that they would send it to a neurological center. A few days later, they sent them a small wooden box containing the supposed ashes of the woman.

However, a journalist from Reuters discovered that the remains were finished in the hands of the United States Army, who acquired them for nearly $ 6,000 – along with 20 other bodies – to submit to an experiment.

In this journalistic investigation, it was found that Doris' body had been tied to a chair and exploded with "improvised" explosives similar to those used by terrorists.

Doris had died at the age of 73 from a rare Alzheimer's disease. (Photo: Reuters)
Doris had died at the age of 73 from a rare Alzheimer's disease. (Photo: Reuters)

"I feel stupid, because I am not a person who trusts. But in this situation, you have no idea what's going on, you trust, "lamented Jim in reference to the scam they suffered as a family.

The Stauffers were not the only victims. Dozens of families were also deceived by the Biological Resource Center and handed them the bodies of their loved ones, thinking that they would be used for medical research.

The head of this institution confessed to justice and was sentenced last week to serve one year in prison effectively, four years of probation and must pay compensation of 121 thousand dollars to those who are affected.


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