He drank only beer for 45 days and the result was amazing


The man of Cincinnati, OhioHe badured a local newspaper that his health had improved with this diet. And he said that, although he's 43 years old, he feels "like twenty years" because he says that he needs less time to sleep, think more clearly and does not suffer from inflammation in his body.

drank beer for 45 days

"Really, the usual American diet will kill you faster than craft beer," he badured.

Hall works in a brewery at Fifty West and during that time, he only had one or two beers a day. For this challenge, the man was inspired by the monks of a monastery near Munich who, in the early seventeenth century and with the permission of the Elector of Bavaria, was producing for nutritional purposes a special beer so dense and caloric that it was called "liquid bread". & # 39;


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