He dropped the baby in the middle of a fight and died


A young woman is accused of killing her grandson. The creature hit her head on the sidewalk when the mother fought with another woman in Georgia, United States.

A 26-year-old woman was accused of killing her baby three months after he fell from arms during a fight.

Karen Lashun Harrison was on July 19 in the parking lot of a beauty parlor in Moultrie, Georgia, when she started arguing with another client. On her left arm, she was carrying her baby. Surveillance cameras located outside the premises recorded the fight between them and captured the moment the woman hit Karen Lashun in the face with a bag full of products. The two men started to stick and the accused lost balance in seconds. The boy fell from his arms and crashed on the sidewalk.

A witness from the fight then ran to lift the baby off the ground and secure him, while Karen Lashun and the other client were still fighting. Several people intervened to try to stop them. The defendant took the child to hospital only the next day when he was already late. A few hours after arriving at the Colquitt Regional Medical Center, the three-month-old died. Police said Karen Lashun lied to the doctors, explaining how her son was injured. He badured them that he had fallen home and had omitted the incident the day before. "We were informed that the baby had fallen from his caregiver and was injured. We then learned that there had been a fight, "said Lt. Freddie Williams of the Moultrie Police Department.


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