He escaped from a maximum security helicopter jail


With the help of a helicopter, a notorious French criminal who was serving a 25-year prison sentence escaped from the United States. a prison south of Paris on Sunday, triggering a vast human pursuit in the vicinity of the French capital. It was the second time that Redoine Faid escaped from a French prison: the last time he went out with the help of explosives hidden, AP reported.

The just criminal took a few minutes to escape prison and no one was injured or taken hostage to Reau Prison, the Justice Department said. La France. He added that "an armed commando aboard a helicopter landed in the yard while the prisoner was in the visiting room" of the establishment

" Two men dressed in black, wearing balaclavas and armbands "they entered the prison in search of Faid," said Martial Delabroye, a union representative at Reau prison, on BFM television. The intruders used a machine to open a door that gives access to the visiting room he added.The helicopter was found later burned in the town of Garges-les-Gonesse, in the north suburb of Paris It is believed that Faid continued his escape in a car accompanied by his accomplices.

French prosecutors opened an investigation, but is not the first time that Faid, 46 , escaped from prison . In 2013, he managed to leave prison at the Using explosives hidden in tissue packets, although he was detained in a hotel six weeks later. Faid was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the death of a young policeman during a robbery countered in 2010.

In the 1990s, Faid led a criminal gang involved in hand-robbing army of banks and armored trucks. who carried money. He was arrested in 1998 after being a fugitive for three years in Switzerland and Israel, according to French media reports. He left free in 2009 after serving 10 years in prison. At that time, he promised that he had changed, wrote a book about his life of crimes and made a tour to publish it in 2010.

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