He escaped his kidnapper for renting his orchids


He tied her up and undressed her, but let her run away after talking about her great pbadion. It has arrived in Austria.

Nathalie Birli, a professional cyclist and triathlete, has been training in the vicinity of the city of Graz, in southeastern Austria, when her day was turned into a horror film. After being a mother about 18 weeks ago, Nathalie was out on a bike when she was suddenly shot by a car. In autumn, an arm was broken. I thought the man who was driving the vehicle would help him. But it was far from happening. The driver got out of his car and hit the 27-year-old woman with a trunk. He carried it, fainted on his own, and took it to her home in the middle of the field. "When I woke up, I was naked, sitting and tied in an armchair, in an old house," explained the young woman.

According to Nathalie's account, the abductor forced her to drink alcohol and tried to drown her. Then he put it in a bathtub filled with cold water. "He always had a knife in his hand," he said. Still, Birli was cold-headed to find a way out of this traumatic situation. The key was an orchid that the man has grown and adorned in the house. Nathalie started renting them and managed to change the kidnapper's attitude.


As the woman revealed, the man changed and stopped being "full of hate" to "soften" him. He told him about his pbadion for orchids, gardening in general and his stormy childhood. He told him about his "dead father, his mother addicted to alcohol and the girlfriends who betrayed her". The young woman took advantage of this vulnerable moment to request his release and suggested that the incident happen by accident. The kidnapper agreed and took her home even with her bike.

"I told him" we'll pretend it was an accident and you let me go, "he revealed." I went home, locked the door and called my kid friend, "Birli concluded.The police managed, thanks to the GPS data of the bicycle, to locate the abductor's house.The 33-year-old man with mental disorders was arrested.The police are investigating to find out. 39 he would be involved in other undiluted kidnappings. "Thank you very much to all those who waited for me." They beat me, tied up and taken me to a small house, like a bad movie. Thank goodness, I was able to free myself and I'm fine, with the exception of a broken arm and an injury to the head, "wrote the victim on his Facebook account.


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