He failed in 2001 and won a lawsuit against Argentina


A German creditor that he still has in his possession Argentine securities in default of 2001 and who rejected the successive exchanges and proposals of the administrations of the Kirchner Wedding and of Mauricio Macri sentenced to a favorable sentence in the Spanish courts.

The news was broadcast on Friday by the newspaper 5 days, a decision dated October 3, where the "Supreme Court gave the motive to an individual claiming seizure of property of Argentine Republic in Spain for non-payment of sovereign debt, "said the Spanish media.

The decision was in favor of the appeal by a German citizen who I wanted to recover all the money invested in Argentine bonds.

As the media say, the decision is not final yet, as Argentina has asked for a clarification of the judgment and, on the other hand, the Argentine Ministry of Finance tried to contact the investor to try to bury the dispute.

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With the Spanish decision, Argentine assets are not diplomatic, as are the assets of Argentina. Nation Bank (BNA), which has a branch in Madrid.

The German citizen first tried to bring a lawsuit in Germany in 2011 and the Frankfurt Regional Court ruled in favor of the small investor and established that The country of South America had to return all the money.

To execute his sentence, he decided to address his application to the Spanish justice, which managed to reach the highest court, which rendered a favorable decision to the German creditor.

J.D. / EA


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