He fell through the highest waterfall in Niagara and survived: one of the few who can tell


A man survived Tuesday after being dragged through the waters and falling by the Niagara Falls, located on the border between Canada and the United States, as confirmed by the authorities.

The Niagara Parks Police confirmed that she had responded to the warning regarding the presence of a "man on the brink of a crisis" at Horseshoe Falls, the largest of those who make up Niagara Falls with a height of almost 51 meters. .

"Upon arrival (agents), a man was seen climbing a retaining wall and being dragged to the waterfall," he added to his account on the social network Twitter.

He also noted that the man "was sitting on stones after a search in the lower part of the river with injuries not putting his life in danger". "He was taken to the hospital for treatment," he said.

Surviving such a fall is extremely rare. We only know a handful of people who have accomplished it without any protection.

Kirk Jones had been the first to survive such a suicide attempt in 2003. Four years later, Jones was attempting to jump again, this time inside an inflatable balloon, and he had pbaded away.

According to The Associated Press, at least two other people who have since fallen to the side of the road without a safety device have survived.

Each year, it is estimated that 25 people end their lives throwing themselves into one of these stunts, reported the Buffalo News.


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