He flew and crashed into a plane to kill his wife: she was unhurt and he died at the hospital


After a fight with his wife, a pilot stole a private plane and crashed it against a club in Botswana where the woman participated in a party. Her goal was to kill her, but she and the others were unhurt. He, on the other hand, He died in the hospital.

According to picked up 20 minutes, the event occurred after maintaining the couple a strong discussion in which there was even a physical aggression. Shortly after, in a temper tantrum, Charl Viljoen, a South African pilot of Kalahari Air Services, flew a plane KingAir 200 and he flew very low for several minutes near where his wife was.

Charl Viljoen, the pilot who attempted to murder his wife in Botswana. (Photo: Facebook / nypost.com)
Charl Viljoen, the pilot who attempted to murder his wife in Botswana. (Photo: Facebook / nypost.com)

A friend of Charl who was at the party was who avoided a tragedy. After receiving a call from the pilot in which he asked if the woman was still there and noticed strange behavior, he suspected that something was wrong. "Then he started shouting at everyone run, "said a witness to local media, quoted by New York Post.

Some cars that were nearby were damaged. (Photo: catches)
Some cars that were nearby were damaged. (Photo: catches)

Warnings emerged and participants quickly left the scene. A few seconds later the worst feeling has been realized from Charl's friend: the pilot crashed into the place. Everything was burned by the flames.

The impact of the plane was such that even some cars in the vicinity were damaged, as can be seen in one of the videos that have uploaded to social networks witnesses.

The only fatality was the pilot himself.


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