He forced his 7 children to play in his hit series on YouTube and if they made a mistake, he subjected them to enormous torture – 03/20/2019


A mother from Arizona, United States, who had about 800,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel was arrested for exploiting his seven adopted children. He forced them to shoot their videos relentlessly and subjected them to physical abuse.

Machelle Hackney, 48, was arrested after officers from Maricopa County found her children. locked in wardrobes, dehydrated and malnourishedas a result of the punishment the woman imposed on them for having forgotten the words or not acting according to their instructions.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Google's audiovisual platform did not download these videos. Yes, this removed monetization, that is, advertising revenue. Each video episode has been downloaded under the title of Fantastic Adventures (Fantastic Adventures), lasted between 10 and 15 minutes and in short 250 million views.

The woman opened the channel in 2012. The boys were there zombies, vampires and other fantastic characters, thanks to the script and the address of the mother.

The miners told the officers that they had been sprayed with a pepper spray, beaten with a belt, obliged to take ice baths and locked up for days in a closet, with no food, no water and no chance of going to the bathroom.

Screenshot of the YouTube Fantastic Adventures series.

Screenshot of the YouTube Fantastic Adventures series.

On March 13, Hackney's biological daughter alerted the police. The police quickly reported that they had found the children pale, of low weight and with dark circles. At the same time, the two biological sons of the woman, Logan and Ryan Hackney, both adults, are under judicial investigation. Prosecutors want to prove that they knew the humiliations suffered by the boys and allowed them.

According to the police report, the children, as soon as they were rescued, told him that they were "thirsty and hungry". While talking to the police, one of the children took three bottles of water in 20 minutes. While saying that Hackney had sprayed them with pepper spray many times.

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The Department of Child Services canceled the custody of seven children adopted by Hackney.

When the police raided the house, he found two boxes of pepper spray in the mother's room, a cupboard with a security lock, and a windowless room with furniture, blankets, clothes, and toys.

The children told DCS that the woman had taken them out of school to record the "Fantastic Adventures" series, which she had aired on her YouTube channel. Some of these videos have millions of hits.

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The boys said that they had not been to school for years.

The police report reports that one of the children said that once the woman he sprayed pepper spray on his bads and "he suffered for four to five days".

With information from the EFE agency.



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