He forced his children to eat dog poop and took custody


A woman from the state of Oklahoma, USA, lost custody of her two children ages 5 and 3, who forced them to eat dog poop and left them in a state of severe malnutrition .

According to the newspaper Tusla WorldMary Elizabeth Moore, 34, was declared guilty of negligence to force their children to eat dog poop and feed them exclusively with bread, water and oat flakes.

The oldest, 5 years old, only weighed 11 kilos and the 3 years barely exceeded 8 kilos. Both boys also had to parasites product of fecal consumption.

The boys had to be hospitalized in Tulsa and connected to probes to be fed on the nose. Both were placed in police custody.

The woman was sentenced to 7 years but managed to avoid imprisonment because her sentence was suspended after she admitted her guilt. In addition It is forbidden for you to approach your children.


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