He formed a heart with sheep in honor of his late aunt – News


After being unable to attend his aunt’s funeral due to restrictions due to the pandemic, an Australian farmer decided to pay homage to her in a different way: with a giant heart made up of hundreds of sheep.

This is Ben Jackson, who was in New South Wales, more than 400 kilometers from Queensland, where his aunt Debby died, after losing the battle with cancer.

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As he could not travel to see her go, he trained the sheep of his flock to put themselves in this form, and thus pay homage to the woman, even from a distance. He filmed everything with a drone and the footage immediately began circulating the web.

“I felt helpless, I didn’t know what to do. But as I was just brushing against it, I decided to form a massive heart, which – honestly, paled compared to his,” Jackson told the BBC.

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