He found $ 42,000 wrapped in old clothes and returned it


A young woman from Oklahoma, USA, found $ 42,000 wrapped in a sweater that her owner donated to charity and returned it.

It happened in mid-March. Andrea Lessing works for the NGO Goodwill Industries, which works with people with disabilities and financial problems.

While sorting through the charity’s clothes, he saw a box that looked suspicious.

“At first I thought they were books,” Andrea told Fox News. “When I looked closely, I saw that there were several wads of bills.”

The box where the 42 thousand dollars were kept. (Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma)

“The idea of ​​keeping them has never crossed my mind,” he said.

After finding the money, she and her colleagues immediately notified a supervisor.

“I never thought it was going to happen to me, but I feel like I made the right decision. I did the right thing,” said the young woman.

After several days, the organization found the owner of the money. In a Facebook post, Goodwill Industries reported that “along with the invoices were identifiable documents that enabled us to locate the owner, who mistakenly donated the money.”

The owner of the $ 42,000 decided not to reveal his identity, but it is known that he donated $ 1,000 to Andrea Lessing for his honest attitude.

Visibly excited, the young woman said she would use the money to buy a present for her daughter.

Andrea Lessing. The young woman moved social media users with her actions. (The $ 42 found by Andrea. (Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma)

Thousands of users have interacted with the company’s post on social media.

“Your heart of gold and soul of steel are worth much more. You did the right thing, and it is priceless. You are a wonderful example to your daughter, and that is something that cannot be not be bought! Many blessings for a great woman! ”read one of the comments.

Another user wrote: “Andrea you are the kind of employee we all love and every employer is lucky to have you.”


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