He found out his daughter-in-law was his missing daughter 20 years ago – News


The unusual event occurred in Suzhou (China). Just as he noticed the stain, he immediately approached his parents to ask if their daughter had been adopted.

Although the question surprised the couple, they couldn’t avoid it and confessed that their daughter was adopted 20 years ago.

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They confessed to having found it on a road and to have kept it a secret ever since.

After clarifying the story, they shared the news with the couple and the marriage took a back seat.

Upon hearing all of this, the bride was moved to tears, according to local media Oriental Daily News.

The problem was still that the couple were brothers then. But, as if it was a movie, the mother confessed that her son was adopted when she abandoned her biological daughter.

Therefore, since there was no family relationship, the most romantic marriage ever could be celebrated.


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