He found out that his “fake cupboard” was in fact a dishwasher and his reaction went viral | the Chronicle


Sometimes you don’t know the house where you live. Alternatively, ask this British journalist who lived in the same house for two years without knowing that a “false closet” that it had on the counter, was actually a dishwasher.

Tom hale, British communicator and famous tweeter, posted on his social media accounts. There he assured “to have lived badly”.

“I am shocked. I have lived in this apartment for two years and until today I had not discovered that there was a dishwasher. I thought it was a fake closet. I wasted days of my life washing the dishesHale posted on Twitter.

The “false closet” that blew up the networks.

The post quickly went viral and has already garnered over 217,000 “likes”, has been reposted 11,000 times and commented on 217,000 times.

Hale replied: “A remarkable number of men (they’re all men) say that is a lie. I’m flattered that they think of me so well.”.

The dishwasher post that blew up Twitter


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