“He freed millions from the Aztec terror regime”: controversial message from the right in Spain 500 years after the fall of Tenochtitlan


The political party pointed out in its message that 500 years ago the troops commanded by Hernán Cortés succeeded in defeating the Aztec Empire.  (Illustration: Steve Allen)
The political party pointed out in its message that 500 years ago the troops commanded by Hernán Cortés succeeded in defeating the Aztec Empire. (Illustration: Steve Allen)

VOX, a Spanish party with right-wing political ideals, celebrated this Friday the fall of the Mexican Empire at the hands of the Spanish conquerors 500 years ago.

Through its social networks, the right-wing party posted a message in which it said that a day like today 500 years ago, a troop of Spaniards led by Hernán Cortés, had obtained the surrender of Tenochtitlán, and mentioned that Spain, with this, managed to free millions of people from the bloodthirsty regime and terror of the Aztecs.

“On a day like today, 500 years ago, a troop of Spaniards led by Hernán Cortés and his native allies successfully surrendered Tenochtitlán. Spain succeeded in freeing millions of people from the bloodthirsty and terrorist regime of the Aztecs. Proud of our History ”, posted the party on its social networks.

Faced with this message, the reactions of Internet users were felt almost immediately, some in favor and others against the controversial message of the Spanish party.

“Today (especially) the great-great-grandchildren of those who went there tell us that our great-great-grandparents stayed here that we went there to rape India and steal their gold … The reality is that the conquest of America was one of the greatest milestones in human history … ”commented one of the users.

Another user mentioned that he was happy that these “psychopaths” were getting rid of in America.

“According to Escohotado, the Aztecs were by far the most monstrous, cruel and bloodthirsty civilization in human history. I am deeply happy that America got rid of this bunch of psychopaths, ”said the surfer.

“A few days earlier, he proudly murdered thousands of children, women and the elderly in the town of Cholula. Escape? Or sow terror with the new government. They betrayed their religion. They stole, lied and murdered “, expressed another of the users.

Workers prepare a monumental model of the Templo Mayor pyramid to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlán, on the Zócalo esplanade in Mexico City, Mexico.  August 10, 2021. Photo taken August 10, 2021. REUTERS / Toya Sarno Jordan
Workers prepare a monumental model of the Templo Mayor pyramid to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlán, on the Zócalo esplanade in Mexico City, Mexico. August 10, 2021. Photo taken August 10, 2021. REUTERS / Toya Sarno Jordan

In another comment, the party considered to be far-right said acts commemorating 500 years since the fall of Tenochtitlán were rare, and that they served President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to fuel hatred against a fundamental figure to understand the reality of the country today.

“Los actos para commemorar los cinco siglos del desembarco de Cortés y la campaña that terminó con la caída de Tenochtitlán han sido escasos y han servido para que el presidente mexicano, López Obrador, feeds el odio contra una figura fundamental para Compriser hoy la realidad del Country”, we read in the commentary.

What is VOX

Vox is a Spanish political party with far-right ideals founded on December 17, 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal, its vice-president is Jorge Buxadé and its general secretary is Javier Ortega Smith.

The party emerged among some of the critics the social conservatives of Mariano Rajoy, within the PP, eroded by the economic crisis. Vox advocated the defense of the unity of the Spanish nation, the recovery of international leadership, the regeneration of politics, the abolition of autonomies, the establishment of an independent judiciary and the promotion of the culture of life and family.

At present, Vox includes in its ideology elements identified as antifeministas e islamófobos. It also highlights its defense of traditional values ​​such as hunting and bullfighting, its centralist nationalism, its rejection of abortion and its liberal economic proposals such as tax cuts and bureaucracy cuts, contrasting on the latter aspect with the more state-run positions of Nordic parties such as the True Finns or the Danish People’s Party.

Vox is a far-right Spanish party founded in 2013.
Vox is a far-right Spanish party founded in 2013.

His speech would incorporate all the ideological elements that characterize a far right party: nationalism, reaction to cultural change, nativism and authoritarianism; thus, its proposals in the cultural dimension, relating to immigration, security or the prohibition of parties, associations and NGOs which seek to put an end to the unity of Spain, are assigned to this position on the political chessboard.

The great Mexico-Tenochtitlan, capital of the empire which 500 years ago he was shaved by the Spanish conquerors after hard battles.


The little-known first name of Tenochtitlan
Fall of Tenochtitlan: the tragic fate of the last Mexican tlatoanis
500 years after the fall of Tenochtitlan: Mexico facing the phantom of the Conquest

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