He gave the white paper an exam and got the best grade | Chronic


When you passed a blank exam, you had the right to get a 1. Then come the family challenge that ensues and the opportunity, at best, to be able to take the exam at another time. But this Japanese student has achieved something unusual: handing a blank sheet and taking out a ten. How did he do it?

Eimi Haga He took a test on a ninja history course that he attended at Mie University. The young woman has given the blank page, although her sheet says a lot. The thing? l & # 39; ink.

Taking advantage of the fact that the teacher asked them to write about a visit to the Ninja Museum in Igaryu, the 19-year-old girl used a technique that she already knew: l & rsquo; # 39; soya ink, invisible, which does not appear in the newspaper.

As if she were a spy, she wrote everything down and left a note with normal ink, which asked the teacher to "heat the paper" to avoid setting a zero to zero. When the teacher placed the sheet on a gas stove, the letters appeared.

Eimi found on the Internet how to make this special ink and followed the steps in detail. He bought soybeans, soaked them in water and crushed them. Then he pressed the crushed seeds, mixed the extract with water and finally applied the result on a brush that he applied on three types of paper "washi", very fine in Japan.

The result, besides giving it a world renown, cost him 10 €. The professor also praised his creativity. "If I have the opportunity, I want to write an essay using another ninja technique", the young woman told The Asahi Shimbun.


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