He Gouged Out His Eyes And Ate The Tongue Of His Dead 5-Year-Old Daughter: “I Killed The Demon” | the Chronicle


The Brazilian city of Sao Cristovao is shocked by the terrible crime committed by a 30-year-old woman on her 5-year-old daughter. who gouged out his eyes, cut off his tongue to eat it and said he did it to “kill the demon”.

According to the Brazilian press, Josimare Gomes da Silva (30), was arrested last Sunday at her home in the city of Sao Cristovao, in Alagoas state, after the girl’s grandfather discovered the body of the victim identified as Brenda Carollyne Pereira da Silva.

The murderer was covered in blood and “lost his mind” (Twitter).

The accused’s father entered the bathroom after allegedly seeing blood flowing in the sewers outside the house, and there she found the mother praying in a daze with a piece of the girl’s tongue in her mouth as the little girl was lifeless by her side.

Pretend to be innocent

Neighbors called police to report the crime, local newspaper reported Emerged. Questioned by the authorities, she denied being responsible and made a confused statement about the incident the next morning in several languages, including Spanish.

The moment of the arrest of the criminal (Twitter).

According to the newspaper Alagoas leaf, Mother He is mentally ill, depressed and when he committed the crime he suffered a psychotic episode. He claimed that he killed a demon and that his daughter was still alive.


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