He had 340 thousand doses of ecstasy to enter Argentina – News


Customs, the airport security police (PSA) and the National Police of Spain intercepted 340,000 doses of liquid ecstasy in Madrid – destined for Argentina – and, in the framework of this cause, arrested two Argentine citizens.

In the Spanish capital, an Argentine citizen who was attempting to embark for Buenos Aires was arrested with the narcotic hidden in four bottles in a suitcase.

The investigation was coordinated by the Federal Prosecutor No. 1 of Córdoba, by Enrique Senestrari.

As stated, the drug has an approximate value of 150 million pesos.

The investigation began in July when, at the Cordoba airport, a passenger from Spain via Chile was planning to introduce more than forty thousand doses of LSD concealed in a container of dietary supplements.

During the passenger's routine examination, Córdoba Customs staff identified a possible method of drug concealment, which then resulted in the removal of the merchandise. The expert then confirmed that it was LSD.

Senestrari therefore decided to open an investigation jointly with Customs and PSA, undertaking a thorough follow-up of the person who transported it and concluding that it was part of an organization dedicated to drug trafficking and sales based at Federal Capital.

As part of the investigation, a new trip to Spain was noticed. As a result, Federal Prosecutor No. 1 ordered immediate international actions with the participation of the National Police of Spain. Various follow-ups were carried out on the suspect, making it possible to detect it when sending the luggage.

"After rigorous testing, it appeared that four dark bottles containing a liquid substance were inside, which had been field tested with chemical reagents tested positive for MDMA (methamphetamine)", said the manager.

The prosecution, in coordination with Judge Ricardo Bustos Fierro, issued search warrants for addresses related to the organization located in the federal capital, where one of the investigators was arrested.

In this setting, 12 marijuana plants, 254 methamphetamine deaths, 16 methamphetamine tablets, 34.9 grams of cocaine, one scale, fraction bags, 149,000 pesos, $ 10,610, a motorcycle and others objects and documents were also confiscated of interest for the cause.


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