He had a headache and his brain was filled with larvae


An 18 year old boy died in India as a result of a terrible brain infection. Apparently, it was because he ate raw pork or not cooked enough.

An 18-year-old boy died in India after doctors discovered a plague of larvae in his brain. The victim was hospitalized in a hospital in Faridabad City, Haryana State, with severe headache and convulsions. He never thought that the diagnosis would be fatal: neurocysticercosis.

It is an attack of the central nervous system by the larvae of "taenia solium" or pork tapeworm, which occurs after ingestion of contaminated pork (raw or undercooked).

The boy had many cysts in the brain and it was impossible to apply a treatment with antiparasitic drugs. The young man was treated with antiepileptic drugs but died two weeks later.


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