He had a sore neck, he thought it was nothing serious, but he almost died – 15/04/2019


Natalie Kunicki is a 23-year-old nurse working in the ambulance service in London, England. Although she is aware of health issues, she almost loses her life by confusing her own symptoms.

It all happened when the girl was in bed with a friend watching a movie and taking a few glbades of wine at her home in West Hampstead. In an instant, he adjusted his neck, making it ring, and he heard a little loud cracklingbut that did not give much importance.

Natalie Kunicki is 23 years old and is a paramedic at the ambulance service in London, England (Facebook).

Natalie Kunicki is 23 years old and is a paramedic at the ambulance service in London, England (Facebook).

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The noise was so strange that his friend asked him "It was your neck?"but she just laughed and said "yes". A few minutes later, he got up to go to the bathroom and when he walked, he noticed that he was swaying to the side. "I looked down and realized that I was not moving my left leg, and then I fell to the ground," he told the Daily Mail.

While he was telling, his friend ran towards her to pick her up and, although he thought she was drunk, the girl realized something was wrong. did not go. "I even thought I was drugged, the symptoms of the drug of rape include paralysis," he added.

Kunicki, who left Canberra (Australia) in December 2017, admitted that she had initially hesitated to call the emergency room because she did not want her colleagues to see her "drunk". "I am a paramedic and I did not call 999 for ten minutes. I thought it was too unlikely to be a stroke, whereas I should have known it better than anyone else, "he said.

Kunicki was born in Canberra, Australia and moved to London in December 2017 (Facebook).

Kunicki was born in Canberra, Australia and moved to London in December 2017 (Facebook).

Her friend, desperate and not knowing what was wrong, eventually asked for an ambulance and they transferred her to a medical center. There they told him that his vertebral artery, an important one in his neck, He had burst when he blew his neck. This caused the formation of a blood clot in his brain and caused a stroke.

"People should know that even if you are young, something as simple as a movement can cause a stroke, my intention was not to break my neck, I just wanted to I stretch and I heard a crackle, "he said.

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They had to operate on the Kunicki emergency. Submitted to youa three-hour operation where the doctors repaired his exploded artery, although they could not clean the clot in his brain. However, they believe that it will dissolve in time.

Although several days pbaded, he had a severe deterioration of speech, an increase in his heart rate and blood pressure. "I do not smoke, I do not drink alcohol and I do not have a family history of stroke, so it's very strange that this it happened just when I moved my neck, "he said.

For several days, the young paramedic had a great depression and now finds some mobility on his left side. Doing daily exercises helped her to use her leg, arm and hand again. Doctors can not give an exact time scale for a full recovery, but they feel that they will be able to return to work within a given time frame. six to 12 months.

As a result of this accident, Kunicki is committed to sensitizing youth to stroke. For this reason, he expanded his case and was surprised to discover how common children are.

"My case was one in a million, but a broken vertebral artery is actually a fairly common cause of stroke in young people, it can even happen if you do physical activity," she said. he declared. After the accident, his parents went to London to help him and in June they will return to Australia.



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