He had abdominal pain and the doctors did not think that he was in labor


He is obese and has stopped taking the prescribed medication to control the blood pressure. He started with severe abdominal pain and was treated with emergency service. When taking his data, no one thought that his problem was not hypertension but job it was tragic.

The case was brought to the knowledge of the magazine New England Journal of Medicine and showed the risks of doing hypotheses in a society that is facing more and more gender variations. The main author of the article is Dr. Daphna Stroumsa of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who acknowledged: "I have been properly clbadified in medical records and it appears that A man, but this ranking prevented us from taking into account his actual medical needs ".

Transgender men, who consider themselves women at birth but who identify as men, may or may not use masculinizing hormones or undergo surgical changes, such as uterine extraction. .

If a woman had arrived with similar symptoms, she would surely have been treated and evaluated more quickly for problems related to pregnancy.

In this case, the 32-year-old patient had no menstrual period for several years and was taking testosterone, a hormone that has male effects and can decrease ovulation and menstruation. But he stopped taking hormonal medications and blood pressure after losing his health insurance.

The end of history

A few hours later, a doctor badessed the patient, who even badumed that he had urinated himself. In fact, there was broken bag and the hospital test confirmed the pregnancy. An ultrasound showed uncertain signs of fetal heart activity and an examination revealed that part of the umbilical cord He had slipped into the birth cbad. Doctors have prepared for a emergency cesarean sectionbut in the operating room, no fetal heartbeat was heard. Moments later, the man gave birth to a dead baby.


"If a woman had arrived with similar symptoms, she would surely have been treated and evaluated more urgently for problems related to pregnancy," the authors wrote.

Testosterone is not a means of contraception. Although it is rare, a pregnancy can occur. There are also people who are looking for a pregnancy

Transgender people often have trouble getting gender-specific medical care, such as the detection of uterine cancer, birth control and the detection of prostate cancer.

Consulted by Transport, Dr. Noelia Cabrera (MN 141308) of the Endocrinology Department of JA Fernández Hospital, said: "Testosterone it is not a contraceptivewhile it is rare, pregnancy can occur. There are also people who are looking for a pregnancy. "With regard to this particular case and the attention received, he stated:" They explain that they did not make the diagnosis because of the appearance of the patient, which it should not happen. We must get used to thinking that there may be men with the uterus and treat them in their entirety, "he concluded.


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