He had malaria, dengue, Covid and now a Cobra bit him – News


Jones was attacked by the snake while visiting the rural district of Jodhpur, located about 350 kilometers from the regional capital Jaipur.

“Jones entered the facility last week after a snake bite in a local town. At first it was suspected that he also had Covid-19 for the second time, but eventually tested negative,” doctor Abhishek Tater told the agency. AFP.

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(Photo: La Nación).

“While in the hospital he was conscious and had symptoms of a snake bite, including blurred vision and difficulty walking, but these are usually transient symptoms,” Tater added.

The doctor said snakebites are common in rural areas where the collaborator works with artisans.

The victim works for the NGO Sabirian, which helps local people import their products into Britain.


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