He had twins, but they were born at 11 weeks apart


One case out of 50 million. This is the probability of a woman experiencing the situation she was facing a 29-year-old Kazakh girl who gave birth to twins at two different births, eleven weeks apart.

Liliya Konovalova gave birth to an untimely girl on May 24 and her other baby was born only on August 9.

The premature baby, Liya, was born at 25 weeks of gestation and weighed only 820 grams. He was in the incubator, in intensive care for a month.

Two and a half months later, the mother gave birth to her twin brother, Maxim, who was born with nearly 2.9 kilos.

"My son was in no hurry to go out into the world," said Liliya, who discovered that he was suffering from a very strange illness, which allowed these deferred births as twin children.

The mother of these babies has a double uterus which, according to the doctors, was formed in this way when she was in the belly of her own mother.

This condition is known as "Didelphys uterus" and allowed each of the Liliya twins to develop into their own uterus.

The overall probability that this will happen is one in 50 million: the Kazakhstan Ministry of Health announced that it was the first case in the country.

Specialists were also surprised by the time between births. The fact itself is exceptionally rare, but when it does occur, a difference between 11-week-old babies is also very unusual.


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