He harassed a girl in her own marriage and was arrested during the party


It was going to be the perfect wedding. The honeymooners had planned down to the very last detail of the party at the luxurious Valley Country Club in Pennsylvania, USA. But the event ended unexpectedly: the boyfriend was arrested in full celebration for badually harbading a girl.

According to police sources, 31-year-old Matthew Aimers reportedly reprimanded a waitress – a minor – and asked him if he wanted get out of the room to make love.

    Matthew Aimers was prosecuted for badual badault, exposure to decency, harbadment during his marriage.
Matthew Aimers was prosecuted for badual badault, exposure to decency, harbadment during his marriage.

The young woman told authorities that the boyfriend had told her that he could "do what she wanted" and that offered him $ 100 to kiss him "like he really liked him". All this, a few meters from his wife Kayla and all their relatives.

The girl refused, but the situation became more violent. Aimers insisted and followed her to the women's bathroom. Once there, he pushed her into one of the cabins, he touched her and showed him her bads. The teenager managed to escape.

But it was not the only aggression denounced at the wedding. During the party, the Northampton Township Police received a call from one of the guests to go there. The man warned that the boyfriend was very violent and pushed the restaurant workers.

When the police arrived in the room, the employees explained to them that the Aimers had hit them because they did not allow him to enter alcohol outside of the event. And when they wanted to stop him, the newlyweds invited them to fight because he did not want to get in the patrol car. He even tried to escape and take a bus back home.

The girl recounted that the groom had petted him and showed him his bads after refusing to have bad with him.
The girl recounted that the groom had petted him and showed him his bads after refusing to have bad with him.

Although the wedding took place on November 24, the case was revealed this week as the defendant was scheduled to appear in court. Justice has pursued it for badual badault, indecent exposure, harbadment and related crimes. He was also charged with common badault, disorderly behavior and resistance to arrest.

Far from the plans, I had to go on a honeymoon, Aimers he spent the last three months in prison. And he was released after paying 10% of the deposit. His lawyer, Louis Busico, argued that his client "absolutely denies all charges" and that he hopes to prove himself.

For his part, the lawyer confirmed that his wife fully supports him and believes in his innocence. In this sense, he denied that after the scandal of his marriage, he had thought of divorce.


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