He has 15 days to live and will celebrate Christmas before


A mother, due to her terminal illness, asked to move forward with her three daughters that special night.

Sometimes real life overcomes fiction. This seems to be the case of a family about to experience a sadly special moment. After learning that she had two weeks left to live, a mother from the UK decided to move Christmas forward so she could hold a final celebration surrounded by her children.

Helen Robinson, 46, was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, and she managed to win. Unfortunately, the disease returned to his body, but this time it spread to his lungs and doctors at the San Juan Hospital in England confirmed that he had only 15 left days to live. This is how strict the specialists were.

This devastating news inspired Robinson to organize a Christmas party in October with three of his daughters aged 8, 10 and 13, so that he can enjoy the time he has left. To help with this, Stephen Robinson, Helen's husband, has opened a page on GoFundMe in order to raise money for funerals and celebrations so that her little ones have "a special Christmas with their mother for the last time." times".

"Helen's time is almost up, now that it takes weeks, let me give you the expedition you deserve to relieve the pressure of the kids," wrote her husband in the GoFundMe publication. And he continued, "I'm doing my best to save money, I have to give Helen and the girls a merry Christmas. I want them to smile at least on this special day, because at the present time, they cry every day and the situation in which they find themselves is painful. "

In his petition, Stephen recounted some details about his love story with Helen: "The news has been devastating, we have been together since school and have been married for over 30 years. Helen has very well educated children and that is the kind of person who would do everything possible to help anyone. He added, "I have cried many times because she is the love of my life and I just do not know what I will do when all this nightmare comes to an end."

The main goal of Helen's family was to raise about $ 6,500 to fulfill this last wish, an amount exceeded since her story became viral, since at the morning of today, the amount collected was $ 400,000. . On November 1st, an event will be held at the Tranmere Rovers football stadium to celebrate Helen's life. The hope is that she can see it.


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