He has 16 wives, 151 children and sex every night: I know his story | the Chronicle


38 years ago, a Zimbabwean launched a “polygamy project” with many wives, in order to generate offspring. A goal that has responded to the passage of time at a level difficult to measure, with 16 wives and 151 children.

It is Misheck Nyandoro, a 66-year-old veteran known as “the most fertile father in the world” for his large offspring and he claims he cannot have a job because he has to devote himself full time to “satisfy your women”.

In dialogue with the Zimbabwean newspaper The Herald, Nyandoro confessed that overnight he could become intimate with at least four women thanks to some sort of “schedule” he created for this purpose, although he complained that older women “they don’t always want to have sex”, for which he examines the possibility of researching “Girls” to get married.

Among his requirements to be able to live with him, there is that of knowing how to cook, since the 66-year-old veteran says he is very demanding with the dishes that are served to him.

“Each of my wives cooks for me every day, but the rule is that I only eat delicious food, because anything that I find unsanitary is thrown away.”, he stressed.

Nyandoro plans to seek ‘younger wives’ for the future (The Zimbabwe Herald)

However, he pointed out that “They know the rules, they promised not to get mad when I give them their food back”, and felt that his attitude towards them should in fact be “a lesson to help them improve”.

For the future, Nyandoro is already planning her 17th wedding and her future goal is to reach the number of 100 women and 1000 children.

“My children pamper me. I constantly receive gifts and money from them and my stepchildren.”Finally, Nyandoro underlined, about the link he maintains with his children.


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