He has 16 wives, 151 children and will remarry – News


The man revealed that he follows a strict sex schedule of four hours a night, with the main goal of growing his family.

Misheck Nyandoro He does not work and claims that his full time job is to “satisfy his wives”, who take care of all his desires.

He even complained about having to keep marrying younger women because older girlfriends can’t keep up with his insatiable sex drive.

“I go to the rooms I have on my schedule. Then I satisfy my wife and move on to the next room. It’s my job. I don’t have any other,” he said. he told local media. The Herald.

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“I change my behavior in the bedroom to adapt it to the age of each of my wives. I do not act in the same way with young people as with elderly people,” he added.

Nyandoro claims that she doesn’t feel the burden of having over 150 children and explains that she has in fact benefited from her gigantic family.

The family depends mainly on agriculture and was recently allocated 93 hectares of land near the Mvurwi mountains.

About 50 of her sons go to school in Mbire, Harare, Mutare and Guruve, six work for the Zimbabwe National Army, two for the police, 11 others are employed in different professions and 13 of her daughters are married.

At least 23 of his children are married, one of whom follows in his father’s footsteps from a distance, with up to four wives.

The war veteran last married in 2015, then took a short hiatus due to poor economic conditions in Zimbabwe, but plans to return to weddings next winter, when he marries his ten- seventh woman.


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