He has a serious health problem, but that does not stop you from reaching new goals


"I remember every second of this day … When my neurologist put me the diagnosis, it was shocking, that is the exact definition … my world was collapsed, it was in October 2012 and what was happening in my body, my mind and my soul had a name and family name: multiple sclerosis ".

Román Luna, director of the SN24 portal on health, today evokes the moment when he knew that he should forever face a neurological, severe and chronic illness that he now calls "companion of road".

"The road was not easy," admits the director of the SN24 portal, "I've had moments when I felt I could not do it, I did not know how or where it was. ; face. " Wonder is something that causes instability so deep that it is difficult for you to follow. on foot, "he admits.

Born in Marcos Juarez, province of Cordoba, he grew up in Saira. Later, he lived in Rosario and now in the federal capital. Sport was his big love. At the age of 14, he had been to Newell's Old Boys, River Plate and Boca Juniors. Today is a famous marathon runner who enjoys physical activity for their own benefit, but also as a key distribution channel for multiple sclerosis. Roman Moon is also a "driver" for those living with this health problem. Because of their history, many find more strength to move forward and enjoy life, even if it sometimes seems like an almost impossible task.

Multiple sclerosis (MS), World Day is celebrated every May 30th is a chronic, neurological disease of undetermined cause. It occurs when myelin, the protective layer of nerve fibers of the central nervous system including the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves is damaged. "In addition, MS has an immunological basis.To illustrate, it could be said that the immune system responsible for defending ourselves against external aggressions such as infections, does not recognize as their own myelin and therefore the injured.If myelin is destroyed, the ability of the nerves to conduction of electrical impulses and brain is disrupted, which causes the onset of symptoms, "says Roman, expert retailer.

The name of the disease comes from the processes of demyelination and healing that occur at different times and in different areas. "And although genetic factors are not determinants recognized its existence. They generate a predisposition to suffer from the disease, but it is clear that on this genetic predisposition, there is one or more environmental factors that can influence the development of multiple sclerosis, "he said.

This does not necessarily change the life expectancy of those who suffer from it, but it is one of the most debilitating neurological conditions in young adults ", which implies a serious impact on the family, social and economic environment of work, "Román said.

MS is usually between 18 and 35 years old. It occurs more in women than in men. "There is no cure for the moment, but there are drugs to control it, either to limit epidemics or space or referrals or slow down the progression."

– Is the diagnosis easily achieved? Is it confused with other diseases?

– A quick and effective diagnosis is not always realized. In my case, I had a first outbreak was not diagnosed as MS (coincidentally lived in Rosario at the time) and it was, I knew that several years later. There is no specific laboratory test to diagnose; the determining factor is therefore the care that the doctor puts into the precise diagnosis. Specifically, the professional will review history, neurological examination and laboratory studies. Then, it will be the neurologist who will demonstrate the existence of lesions in different areas of the central nervous system, which is a characteristic of MS. Over the years designed diagnostic criteria to make it more accurate and certainty. With advances in technology, various laboratory studies have been incorporated and exponentially improve the chances of documenting the disease. Currently, evoked potentials, badysis of cerebrospinal fluid and especially magnetic resonance are complementary studies of great utility. Recently, a panel of international experts has updated these criteria, recommending, among other things, that the diagnosis of MS should be made preferably by a professional who is well acquainted with the disease and able to correctly interpret the complementary studies.

– You talked about history and genetic predisposition, what's going on, or what can happen to the loved ones of people with multiple sclerosis?

-The influence of genetics has been at the center of research for many years and has provided a wealth of information on the causes of MS and the underlying biology of the disease. The first thing we think about is the risk that other members of the family will develop it. This is why it is very important to clarify that it is not, strictly speaking, a genetic disorder. True genetic disorders can be specific and predictable inheritances from parents to children. Although a person with multiple sclerosis does not mean that their children will develop the disease. Many times, there is no old family history of multiple sclerosis and there is only one person in the family with the disease.

– How did you spend your trip until the diagnosis?

– I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after 10 years of the first epidemic, which took place in Rosario in 2002. I won without knowing what it was, despite consultation and medical treatment, no one asked me for a precise diagnosis. In 2012, when I had the second episode, I was in another situation: 10 years old, it is long for scientific progress. I fell to the keeper of a reputed sanatorium of the federal capital with various symptoms: mental confusion, dizziness, tiredness, numbness and pronounced difficulty in the whole left part of the body, added to the double vision, fuzzy and with sensation of sand in the eyes. A huge general malaise. This time, the trick of a young doctor saved me. He first reported an MRI. With this study, they manage to see all the lesions or white matter in the brain. Then they recommend my partner to take me to Fleni, a sanatorium specializing in neurological diseases. I stayed several days in hospital and received appropriate treatment and confinement. That day, I met with my chief neurologist, in addition to a reference in emergency medicine and a remarkable personality, Dr. Correale.

"And now you feel when you think of those first moments?

– I remember every second of this day … When my neurologist informed me, the diagnosis was shocking. That's the exact definition. My world has collapsed. It was in October 2012 and what had happened in my body, my mind and my soul had a name and a name: multiple sclerosis. It was an emotional shock that I will never forget because suddenly, and for the rest of my life, I would have a fellow traveler. Then, the road was not easy, I had moments when I felt that I could not do it, I did not know how or where to face. Perplexity is something that generates instability so profound that it is difficult for you to stay upright.

– Do you need psychological support? What is recommended in this regard, according to your experience?

– Yes absolutely! It is fundamental to be able to talk with professionals in the field of psychology, things that often do not speak to your family. Even though they have the best intentions in the world, they do not have the tools these professionals have, and more, if they have experience in EM. Personally and with seven years of diagnosis, I have a before and after to do psychological and psychiatric therapy. I was born in Marcos Juárez and grew up in Saira (a rural town of 600 inhabitants in the southeast of Córdoba). Conceived! I did not know any psychologist and I had in my head the prejudice that only those who were crazy were going. At the end of 2016, I started researching, I consulted several therapists until I found the person who is currently accompanying me with my treatment. The most important thing is to overcome our own prejudices, to liberate ourselves and to aim to create a full life. And to achieve this, it is essential to take care of our emotional health, a key factor to cope with everything else. Do not say it's easy, I say you have to try.

– How is your daily life going, how does MS limit you and in what way?

-My daily could be considered "normal", with the difficulties of the symptoms of the disease: chronic fatigue, I have almost no sensitivity of the left leg and sinks obviously when I train and I run (after every race, I submit to ice baths). ). I sleep only a very short time (3 hours maximum) because I suffer from urgency urinary and sleep disorders such as insomnia. I fight my emotional state every day and take care of anyone taking immunosuppressive drugs every day for seven years, among other things. These are "some" obstacles that I've learned to live with.

– How does the emotional environment generally react to the knowledge that a sought after person has MS? Fear, impotence, denial?

-Support the primary family unit, as well as friends, it is fundamental. Acknowledging the eternal moment of my diagnosis was with my life partner, Natalia, mother of my two beautiful children, Valentina and Bautista. They are my support and also my connection with the desire to live. Over time, and with psychological and psychiatric treatment involved, I badimilated this state of health with which I try to live without me or limit myself too self-destruct. I have no doubt understood that multiple sclerosis was part of my life, but it is important to point out that it is not at all easy to badume, both the patient and the family are going through a state of confusion, anguish and unease that puts us face to face. with the fears and insecurities of every human being. And we must fight the negation, which is on the agenda.

You say that you can live with MS without significantly altering your life. But there are people who put all the claw and the worst anyway. What is your message in this regard?

– In reality, your life is not altered: it changes definitively. However, each Member State, as in any other pathology, is different in each person. In this sense and in view of all these factors, which are not minor, and as a social communicator and social media lover, what I'm trying to do is to motivate from my true story, without a script, without strident, nor stories that pose unachievable goals or unreal stereotypes. I basically show my story. It's simple and beautiful, a really touching virtual feedback is generated. A trip around a virtuous circle where those who follow me appreciate the effort made in seeing it as something possible to do it even with all the obstacles that everyone has to face. For my part, I get the dose of encouragement and strength from different parts of the world, which gives me the impression that it was the right decision. Without a doubt, motivation is a key factor and well-used social networks are an excellent tool for transformation. Those who want to join this virtual proposal can find it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook under the name @runnerconem

-In the Argentine health system, what is needed to properly treat this pathology?

– Having multiple sclerosis and living in the federal capital and surrounding areas, Rosario or Córdoba, is not the same as living in the depths of the interior, because it is an illness little known, because we are about 15,000 all over the country, it's more complicated. This is not the same because access to interdisciplinary treatment is becoming more complex. The same thing happens with the process of early diagnosis. Patients living in large cities are specialized professionals, neurologists, physiotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, among others, in the public and private sectors. The big debt is mbadaging information to empower society and seek the development and growth of specialized medical care in MS.

-The sport has a central place for you which really helps you?

Look, I got deep down where it had fallen in late 2017, when the depression took a toll on me and put me off going forward. Because of this sporting and communicative challenge, I have unintentionally found new motivations that were and are as important or more important than medicine. He gave me the chance to reconnect with a beautiful scene of my life, the one where I played football. Sport, once again, saved my life.


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