He has eaten his horse and is now receiving death threats | Chronic


An 18-year-old Norwegian had to sacrifice her horse in 2018, called Drift speed, due to illness. Since then, they have decided to keep the meat of the animal in the freezer.

There are days, Pia Olden He shared in a Facebook group a series of photos in which he showed how he had cooked the meat of his horse and had eaten it. Since then, he has received a shower of threats.

Olden is studying to become a chef and decided to post a message in a Facebook group that said "It's a bit strange to eat my own horse, but my boss's heart has said I should do it." Beside the message, a series of photos in which he describes how he cooked the meat of the animal with peppers and mango. "If I'm going to eat horse meat, let it be mine."

The Facebook post where he said that he had eaten it.

After the publication, Olden received many critics. "Some responded by saying that I deserved to be killed for eating my own horse. Another person wrote that he should lose the right to have animals.explains the newspaper Dagbladet.

He also reported that the majority of the comments and threats he had received came from other Amazons. In his opinion, all he was doing was honoring his horse.

"It's worse for the meat to be buried and devoured by worms", the young woman defends herself, who wanted to clarify that when she grew up on a farm, her relationship with animals "Is more realistic" and his perception of meat "Is different". After the many criticisms received, Olden decided to delete the publication on Facebook.

Horse meat prepared to eat it.

According to this girl, the theme of horse meat "It's a taboo in the equestrian community"although he acknowledges that he was not prepared for the many criticisms he received. "I do not think anyone should control what I do. Horse meat is edible, and when they sacrificed mine, I thought it was the right thing to do. It's the best meat I've ever tasted. "


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