He has had enough of "blessings" and set the house on fire | Chronic


A woman from the Russian city of Barakhoyevo set her house on fire with her children inside and watched the flames devastate her house.

The unusual event occurred after she had quarreled with her husband because she had the intention of placing them in an orphanage.

In a clear state of drunkenness, produce consumption of vodka, wet all the furniture and soil with naphtha, then light a flame and exhaust. It was at this point that he decided to stop and observe what was going on. The witnesses said that the mother "He did nothing to try to save his children".

The four-year-old boy died of burns while his younger sister was rescued by a neighbor and taken to hospital in critical condition, according to the details. The sun.

The one-year-old girl suffered burns on 25% of her body and would fight for her life.

The mayor of Barakhoyevo, Victor Nechaev, gave details about the rescue of the baby: "A neighbor broke a window and came into the house, he heard the girl crying in the bedroom and found her lying on the bed, he took her in his arms and l & # 39; 39, took her out the window. "

According to police sources, the four-year-old boy reportedly tried to hide under the sofa and lost consciousness because of the poison gas. The firefighters then found his charred remains after extinguishing the fire.

The woman was arrested while she was still there and, in her first statement in court, she confessed the whole thing and said that she felt liberated because it was not a blessing but a problem for her.

Here's how the house was left after the arson.


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