He Has Served A Sentence For Rape And Is Now Guest On TV Show To Portray Sexual Assault | the Chronicle


A television host in Côte d’Ivoire has come under heavy criticism in his country after inviting his show to a person who has been convicted of rape for faking sexual assault with a mannequin.

The episode generated a great wave of indignation on the part of the people of this country, according to local media, which also generated a heated debate on the role that television should play in solving these problems and on whether to invite a person convicted of rape. “teach” for the public, the manner in which he would inflict an attack deserves to be considered or is something utterly reprehensible.

For this reason, the High Authority of Audiovisual Communication of the African country (HACA) suspended the television presenter for 30 days. Yves from Mbella, who after receiving a strong social condemnation gave a discharge, where he apologized for what happened.

“I apologize to all the rape victims, for whom I have always had compassion, who were offended by some of the things that were said”, highlighted about Mbella.

Missing TV presenter “sincerely to have scandalized by trying to sensitize”, although he defends himself against criticism and argued that he had driven the person convicted of rape “to share his troubles in prison and his wise warnings on this sensitive issue.”

In relation to this situation, The HACA said in a statement that “this re-enactment of an act of rape by its perpetrator, live and in prime time with the support of obscene comments, constitutes an excuse for the rape.”

The agency pointed out that what had happened “seriously undermines the dignity of women, the morals and the sensitivity of young people”, while he emphasized that rape is a crime and “His trivialization and the role of a former convict convicted of this crime is absolutely intolerable.”


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