He hasn’t plucked his mustache and eyebrows in a year and shows it on Instagram


Eldina Jaganjac is a 31 year old woman who, In recent months it has gone viral on the social networks for a specific question: his big mustache and bushy eyebrows. The girl from Copenhagen, Denmark was born in a small town and had to adhere to rigid social standards of beauty. However, today he reveals himself, refuses to pluck facial hair and shows everything Instagram.

Over the years, and maturity was hitting her little by little, Eldina says she felt “frustrated” Considering the expectation placed on women regarding facial hair, he therefore took action: He decided to ditch the tongs and razors and let everything flourish naturally.

Since March 2020, the girl decided to leave the tweezers and the razor behind. (Photo: Instagram / Eldina Jaganjac)

“Before I let my hair grow, I felt that there were extremely limited options as to how women looked. Compared to men, we are expected to spend a lot more time and money on our appearance just to be seen as visually acceptable in society, especially when you’re in public spaces, ”he said, in New York Post

Continuing, he referred to the social demand that exists in this area for women, which does not happen among men, these practices being less common. “If a man doesn’t shave and pluck his eyebrows, nobody notices or comments and it is nothing extraordinary. Before, I didn’t feel comfortable going out unless my eyebrows were small and I didn’t go to the gym unless my legs were well shaved. Now, I chose to focus on the tasks and goals I had to accomplish and less on how I looked while doing them. and whether people like it or not, ”he said.

Eldina was cyberbullied for her posture in front of facial hair

Regarding the exhibition on social networks, Jaganjac recounted the harassment he had to endure because of the decisions he made. “I had a few rude comments here and there, but very few were from adults, rather than teenagers. It is difficult at this age to understand gender rolesSo I think seeing a woman doing something that is considered less feminine confuses them, ”she says.

However, he assured that sees its unusual appearance as an advantagebecause it “can take out the conservatives” and quickly stick to “the really worth the money”, using his eyebrows and mustache as a “barometer”.

On the other hand, Eldina says that “she doesn’t shave her legs” and that she gets teased in the street. (Photo: Instagram / Eldina Jaganjac)

In this context, she claimed that accepting her facial hair increased her confidence and self-esteem and he doesn’t mind at all what other people think about his appearance. “My decision helped me to be more open and creative visually and to have more courage. I think you should do whatever you want. I want to convey the message that we are all different and that everything is fine. All people, regardless of gender, should have the right to do whatever they want with their appearance. I don’t care what other people say», He concluded.


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