He increased country risk and spent 1000 points


June 3, 2019
– 10:06

The index had reached last Friday 897 points. On April 25, it reached 1,012 points, its highest level since 2014.

This Monday, country risk started the day on the rise and reaches 1006 points. Last Friday, the index had reached 987

According to the financiers, this increase is due to the "bad mood" of the markets following the American president, Donald Trump, promised to impose tariffs on imports from Mexico. To this argument is added theas political doubts in the run-up to the presidential elections of October.

This index of JP Morgan Bank measures the percentages that countries must add to the base benchmark of US Treasury bonds at their interest rates if they wish to issue new debt. The most critical day was April 25, with 1012 points, the highest level since 2014.


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"Unfavorable external climate amounts to conditioning overall risk appetiteBeyond this, the ADR (Argentina) can respond with greater relative firmness and selectivity than those of the hardest hit bonds, "Gustavo Ber, an economist at Estudio Ber, told Reuters.

The trade war adds new fronts and Tension and uncertainty increase in a context of weak business dataThe SBS group said in a report and warned that the "super-election June" also had an influence on the closing of the lists for the next national elections.


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