He is 13 years old and she is 8: the court that shakes up the networks | the Chronicle


8 year old girl call Milana Makhanets, of Ukraine, you have just announced that you are in a relationship with a 13 year old boy called Pasha Pai.

It could be a boys’ minor fantasy without the Milan has over half a million subscribers on Instagram and a whopping seven million in “Love”, an application similar to TIC Tac which is very popular in Is.

The teenager is also a sensation Likee, where he has over half a million followers.

The message has been deleted, but the image is circulating on the Internet.

“Pacha and I are a couple”, said the post the girl uploaded to Instagram. The post has been deleted, but screenshots of the photo in which the two are romantically looking at each other are still circulating online.

Surprisingly to everyone’s disbelief, the girl’s mother agrees with their romance and blessed the couple to have a great future together. “It’s their life and they will find out for themselves“he commented.


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