He is 18 years old and, to "vapot", his lungs look like a 70-year-old


An 18-year-old American, who has been using electronic cigarettes for more than a year and a half, is one of many US users with lung problems: doctors told him that his lungs were similar to those in the US An adult. 70 years

Adam Hergenreder began consuming the so-called "vapors" to integrate into a social circle, according to CNN. "I first started vaping to integrate because everyone was doing it," he said. Over time, he discovered that his favorite flavor was mango, to which he aspired several times a day.

Chills and vomiting for three days forced him to see a doctor. At the Advocate Condell Medical Center in Illinois, the diagnosis was alarming: after a stomach scan and chest x-ray, the doctor told him that his lungs were similar to those of a patient. 70-year-old adult. .

"If I had known what I was doing to my body, I would never have touched it, but I did not know it," he told CNN.

"Before, I was a college team fighter and I might never be able to beat myself because it was a very physical sport and my lungs might not be able to stand it." effort … it's sad, "said the teenager at CNN.


Adam acquired the Juul branded capsules, in which is found a liquid made of nicotine in the same proportion as a pack of conventional cigarettes.

The pulmonary problems of the young Hergenreder began when he switched from vaping electronic fluids over-the-counter to THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive marijuana compound, which he obtained with the help of a friend.

"If his mother had not taken him to the hospital in the next two or three days, his breathing could be aggravated to the point that he could have died there." had not consulted a doctor, "said the pulmonologist and the intensive care physician of the medical center. who evaluated the health of Adam, Stephen Amesbury.

In this regard, he added: "This is a serious lung disease, especially among young people.It was out of breath, hardly breathing, it was very worrying that he is suffering from significant lung injury and possibly residual changes after recovery. " .


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a context of increasing consumption of electronic cigarettes, US authorities worried about the possibility of about 450 cases of lung disease. (CDC, for its acronym in English) to CNN, after vaporizing popular flavors of fruit and menthol or mint.

In the same vein, the American Medical Association (AMA) has recommended to Americans not to use electronic cigarette products.


In addition, the president of the badociation, Patrice Harris, also asked the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to speed up the regulation of electronic cigarettes, to eliminate unregulated and unregulated products. Prohibit aroma and marketing. , said the same medium.

US health authorities have registered at least six deaths related to the use of electronic cigarettes in California, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Oregon, and Kansas.


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