He is 23 years old and has been trapped in the body of a baby


Manpreet Singh is an Indian, he is 23 years old and he is trapped in the body of a baby.
He was born in 1995 with a strange genetic disease that does not allow him to grow. Because of his physical appearance, the neighbors believe that he is an incarnation of God.

Near his first birthday, Manpreet stopped growing and his parents, unable to take care of him, sent him with his uncles to the northwest of the country. Currently, his uncles take care of him like a little boy and take him everywhere.

He can not say many words: he communicates through gestures. He can laugh, scream and cry, but not hold a conversation.
"We have sent him back to his parents many times, but he does not want to stay with them." He stops eating and cries all the time. in the same sparkling and happy child, we love this little one so full of joy that the idea of ​​letting go makes my heart sad, "says his aunt.

What Maybe [19659005] Doctors suspect that he is suffering from Laron syndrome, but as studies to confirm it are of a high cost, his family could not do it.

Laron syndrome or Laron-type dwarfism, also called insensitivity to growth hormone (GHI), is a rare conbad disorder in which the body can not use growth hormone ( GH) that it produces.

In this case, the body does not correctly use growth hormone and therefore, generates dwarfism in those who suffer.
One-third of those affected live in remote villages in the province of Loja, in southern Ecuador, media reports said. (TN and the new.)

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