He is 6 years old, drowns in a sink and his family asks for help to rehabilitate him – 03/21/2019


Jaqueline Carballo is the mother of Demianand refers to him as "My little warrior". He says it because three years ago, when the baby drowned in the sink of his house, the diagnosis was discouraging. "The doctors told me that I was going to be in a vegetative state, that there was nothing else to do, only palliative care," he says. .

"He arrived at the hospital with no vital signs and two cardiac arrests," recalls Jaqueline. The San Martín Hospital's health team was able to revive him and immediately sent him back to Garrahan. On this trip, he also made another stop.

Demian in the garden, where he meets his mother and a therapeutic companion.

Demian in the garden, where he meets his mother and a therapeutic companion.

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When he woke up, "He did not recognize us, he did not see us, he had involuntary movements and he could not breathe alone"After three months of hospitalization, he was discharged, although his prognosis is very dark.

Demian's parents were not paralyzed by this. The love of their son led them to knock on doors and go beyond any diagnosis. The boy had to take 200 tablets a day and slept most of the time. Despite this, there were days when they could "see him connected, watch his family and laugh". These were the "Small achievements that did not make us give up"says his mother excitedly.

In this search for a treatment to improve the quality of life of Demian, he was also interned in the Fleni, where they managed to remove some drugs, but he could not advance to the motor level.

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"That's why we started with intense re-education outside. a treadmill and a gym, and treatments with different specialists. In this sense, we owe all the progress of my son to the people who have always collaborated in the draws, events, bingo, recitals, buffets and games that we have made to solve these expenses. "

The current diagnosis is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, in order to continue their rehabilitation, several specialists from the country recommended them Travel to Cuba where there are treatments in centers specialized in neurological restoration where Demian would have the possibility of control their involuntary movements and speak again. "We already have contacts with Cuban professionals, the goal is to be able to travel as soon as possible"Jaqueline explained.

The costs are high. The quote from a first part of the treatment is from $ 25,000and the family does not have that money. For this reason, he created a solidarity account at Banco Nación – where they have already joined 80,000 pesos– and they ask the collaboration of all. "We want her to recover her childhood, Demian deserves it," they say.

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Although the family has social work IOMA, from which I could get drugs that cost about 40 000 pesos per month, kinesiology, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and neurodevelopment treatments "we have to pay with the help of the population". Jacqueline says that "social work covers only the basics and as they do not pay for what is or are late, the therapists do not want to work with them".

Demian loves to watch movies – among his favorites "The Planet of the Apes" and "The Minions" – and the little drawings of "Masha and the Bear". He also enjoys listening to music, including cumbia and reggaeton. "Although he is still struggling to move, the brothers Jeremías and Priscilla are making him dance and turn around. They are the great engine of DemiJaqueline said.

Account information to help Demian.

Account information to help Demian.

The Perez Carballo are from San Miguel and lived in a company at the front of the house. "We fund all the treatments," says Jacqueline. Today, they enjoy "selling pizzas and clothes before the pizza, while my husband works as a hairdresser and goods carrier".

The family has a Facebook page, "Todos por Demian", where she publishes information about the actions she's taking to improve Demian's quality of life and about the contacts of all those who wish to collaborate.

"What for you can be small, it is for him the opportunity to progress," they say in the releases. The account is a savings account at Banco Nación, CBU 0110041930004119814133 named Pérez Peralta Carlos Alberto. The account number is 32600411981413.


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