He is a professional inseminator, has 85 children and 20 more about to be born but his sperm has been banned in one country


A man of United States He has become very famous both in his country and around the world in recent years for inseminating women, with whom he has sex and gives them his sperm for a fee. But the problem is that if this service is performed in Israel, you can go stopped.

It is Ari Nagel, a 45-year-old American math teacher known as “Sperminator”. He started in this work in 2008, with the aim of helping a girl and from then on he started counting the children born thanks to his sperm. Until He is the father of 85 children and currently there are others 20 women are pregnant with him.

Oddly enough, the Nagel women will inseminate all the costs if the man has to travel and stay. (Photo: Facebook / Ari Naguel)

Nagel was father of several Israeli children, Thanks to artificial insemination. But, according to Israeli law, women can only use donated sperm if it is done anonymously and there is a limit the amount of donations that can be made.

As a result, several women came to the clinics to request Nagel’s sperm, but they were refused because it “goes against the laws and regulations in this matter.” But not only that, but if the inseminator agrees to provide his service, he can to be arrested.

The son of an Orthodox Jewish family and a former student of a Brooklyn yeshiva (house of Jewish study), Nagel explains that when he started as an inseminator he helped two women almost simultaneously, both in Manhattan, “African American lesbian and Orthodox Jew that he could not find a partner ”.

“Now the kids are thirteen, they live two blocks from each other, and they’re such different mothers,” he explains.

Nagel’s family, meanwhile, is embarrassed, ashamed of what he does and would prefer that man “settle down and had a traditional wedding”. The inseminator said it’s “impossible” to be in a relationship while trying to help other women conceive and doesn’t plan on stopping.

“My heart tells me that keep on going. I know and I feel what I’m doing It’s correct. If what I did was wrong it wouldn’t be so right, ”he said. In turn, Nagel said he frequently meets his biological children to play in groups and stressed how important it is that meet your biological siblings.

Oddly enough, the Nagel women will inseminate they cover all the expenses if the man is to take a trip and stay.

It is always equipped with a sperminator kit, an ovulation test, a sterilized container, your genetic and sexually transmitted information and sperm count, as it is in high demand and can be requested anywhere, as happened once at an airport with two lesbians. He is very conscientious and his sense of duty is great, ”said Yair Cymerman, co-director of a documentary on Nagel.

Naguel’s wife said she doesn’t really like what Nagel is doing, but “allows us a good entry of money”.

Several Israeli women came to clinics to ask for Nagel’s sperm, but they were refused because it “goes against the laws and regulations in this matter.” But not only that, but if the inseminator agrees to provide his service, he can be stopped. (Photo: Facebook / Ari Naguel)

However, in most cases where he inseminated women, it was sexually. It is therefore benefactor, sex lover or merchant?


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