“He is about to become the most violent in history”: Jorge Ramos launched against AMLO


Last Monday, Ramos attended the President's morning lecture.  (Photo: Facebook Jorge Ramos and presidency of Mexico)
Last Monday, Ramos attended the President’s morning lecture. (Photo: Facebook Jorge Ramos and presidency of Mexico)

Last Monday, July 5, the Mexican journalist from Univision, Jorge ramos, attended the morning press conference what the president proposes Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) every week, Monday to Friday. During the conference, there was a clash between the journalist and the president.

This, after Ramos asked the president a few questions about security in the country and the situation in Mexico regarding the coronavirus pandemic, among others.

After that, the reporter spoke about the meeting he had with AMLO in his column of Thursday, July 8, published in the American media The New York Times. In this he mentioned that the function of the morning is that, in theory, there is an open discussion space without censorship, which no president had promoted. He welcomed the intention, however, said in order for it to work for this purpose, it should not be distorted.

“To serve as a true democratic exercise of transparency and accountability, the president must rely on data (including that of his own government), he must understand the work of the press and avoid using this platform to propaganda or pointing fingers at opponents. If you don’t, the sense of Morning may be lost. And that would be a shameRamos said in his text.

Journalist Jorge Ramos works for the Univisión network.
Journalist Jorge Ramos works for the Univisión network.

He said he was not one who thinks that with López Obrador’s democracy is in dangerOn the contrary, “I believe that there are now voices and institutions that would not allow a return to the authoritarian system that we suffered from 1929 to 2000. But for democracy to be alive, we must question the leader of the ‘State and all in power “.

He said that despite the fact that in his presence in the morning he had mentioned to AMLO that “the job of journalists was to be a counter-power. And that meant questioning him like we did with previous presidents, ”the president openly gave him the floor and was able to freely ask what he wanted.

He mentioned that one of the problems he sees is that AMLO follows the tradition of old Mexican presidentialism, and he uses the mornings to impose his agenda on the media, make official propaganda, vilify his detractors, harass the independent press and overwhelm ideas that do not coincide with his own.

In his column, he also touched on the violence and death toll in the country, both from crime and the pandemic, and called these issues “opaque” with the government led by López Obrador.

Jorge Ramos confronted López Obrador over the number of homicides in the country (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Jorge Ramos confronted López Obrador over the number of homicides in the country (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“The López Obrador government is on its way to becoming the most violent in modern Mexican history, with more than 86,000 intentional killings since he became president. These are official figures and there are no results. Outside of the bubble of the National Palace, there is no “peace” and “tranquility” that it proclaims. They kill around 100 Mexicans a day. It is a failure of their “hugs, no balls” policy. In December 2018 (his first month as president) there were 2,892 intentional homicides and in May 2021 there were 2,963. “There is no change,” I told him. in La Mañanera “, the journalist mentions.

He recalled that AMLO refuted these data, mentioning that there were no more massacres in the country, and that the murders that were currently taking place were perpetrated by organized crime gangs, and no longer by the government.

He said that despite not agreeing on several things, he thanked AMLO for the opportunity to debate and dialogue directly with him. He stressed that it is very difficult to find another country where this practice is practiced and, he said, “We must applaud that this space continues, but to the extent that it is truly a place of truthful information and not a place to advance political interests or attack critics or journalists.”

He proposed to AMLO to eliminate in the morning the segment of attacks on the press and to open up to the possibility of giving interviews to independent journalists not linked to his political movement.

“The journalists gave the Mañanera space to the president and we have to get it back. I have been there three times already and hope to come back soon “, concluded.


Who is Jorge Ramos, the journalist who challenges power
“There are no results”: tough clash between Jorge Ramos and AMLO in mid-morning
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