He is almost blind because of a potato-based diet – News


According to a report, a 17-year-old British teenager has long suffered from vision problems due to a diet based on potatoes. BBC, according to the magazine Annals of Internal Medicine.

At the end of primary school, the young man started eating only sugar cane fries, pringles, bread and sometimes ham or sausages because he felt rejected by any other type of food.

At the age of 14, he consulted a doctor because he felt weak and recommended dietary supplements in case of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, the persons concerned would not have taken the prescription into account.

The specialized magazine Annals of Internal Medicine He reported that the young man had been transferred to Bristol Eye Hospital in England for progressive vision loss.

"Their diet basically consisted of a serving of french fries from a fast food restaurant and packing fries every day. He also ate pringles and sometimes slices of white bread and sometimes ham. I have not eaten fruits or vegetables, "said doctor Denize Atan.

Specialists determined that the young man was low in several important vitamins and minerals such as copper, selenium and vitamin D. He was diagnosed with nutritional optic neuropathy and is expected to change diet.

"He has blind spots in the middle of his vision, which means that he can not drive and that it will be very difficult for him to read, to watch television or to distinguish faces," he explained. the doctors.


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