He is from Mendoza, suffers from cystic fibrosis and defied the odds


The cystic fibrosis It is a genetic disease, autosomal, recessive with a permanent visceral handicap, which mainly affects the digestive and respiratory systems. According to the National Register of Cystic fibrosis, in Argentina, between 80 and 100 children are born per year who suffer from this pathology and, therefore, it is considered a strange disease.

“At first they called me celiac, they told me I was allergic because of the strong cough I was having,” he says. Daniel Lanzilotta, who has suffered from the disease since the age of 8. “It was like that until a doctor in Buenos Aires diagnosed me. Through my two-year-old sister who died, he told me that I could have the disease. hereditaryIf one of your brothers has it, chances are you will too. They did the sweat test which is still used to detect it. This is how I learned about my condition, ”explains Daniel.


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