He is "Humphrey", the shortest bull in the world: he is only 67 centimeters tall and is a Guinness record.


Heikens Ark Jupiter, or "Humphrey" for his friends, is the new Guinness record: he is 67 centimeters tall. And it will enter the Guinness World Records book of the year 2020, according to the organization.

The height was confirmed by a veterinarian on April 27, 2018. This miniature zebu is the new lower bull, since it measures four centimeters less than the previous record.

As their name indicates, miniature zebus are known for their tiny proportions, their average height varying between 91 and 96.5 centimeters. However, "Humphrey" is small even for his species.

Miniature family

His height is also well below his immediate family, as his father was 90.1 centimeters tall and his mother was 81.9. But a brother of "Humphrey" is taller than him: 83.8 centimeters.

"Humphrey" resides at Lime Creek Farm in Kalona, ​​Iowa, United States. Its owners are the Gardners: Joe, Michelle and Arden.

When they bought it at auction in May 2017, the new addition was so small that they thought they had bought a calf. But it was only when they gathered their documents that they understood that they were in fact two years old and that they were fully developed.

On the field, "he seems to be getting along with all the other farm animals," added Michelle. "Our dogs really seem to like them a lot," he added.

A typical day for "Humphrey" is going out, eating hay, cereals or grbad.


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