He kidnapped his daughter, raped her 19 years and had nine children: he was sentenced to life | Chronic


Henri Michelle PietteAged 63, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for kidnapping his daughter, detaining her for two decades, badually badaulting her and becoming the father of her nine children.

The fact goes back to 1997, when Piette kidnapped Rosalynn McGinnis When she was 12 years old the kidnapping took place in Oklahoma, United States, and from there he moved with the child to Mexico.

The kidnapping took place shortly after McGinnis' mother ended her three-year relationship with Piette as a result of the man's violence towards her. The separation enraged the man, who decided to kidnap the child and run away with her and her other three children.

During the 19 years that lasted the captivity, Rosalynn was abused daily by the subject. At the age of 13, he forced her to marry him. At 15, he would have the first of his nine children.

Memory of the marriage of the victim and his father.

In 2016, Rosalyn, 31, escaped from the house where she was detained in Mexico.

Three years later, he decided to tell his story and gave an interview to the American media KHSB.

"I was scared and I was so confused that I did not even know what was going on"said the young woman.

"I knew that if I did not get out of there, I would go crazy or I would eventually die and leave my children with this man", detailed in an interview with the magazine People.

"If I look back and see what has happened, I do not even understand how someone can do something like that to a child, what it does not look like. did"McGinnis added.

He was recently sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of kidnapping and traveling to the United States for attempting to badually badault a minor.

"The victim has suffered horrendous abuse for two decades, her courage has allowed her to flee and save her children, and investigators and prosecutors to demand justice for her"exclaims after the sentence Brian J. Kuester, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma.

"Finally, his courage ended with tyranny, I know that this verdict will not heal the innumerable wounds inflicted by the accused, but it should prevent them from inflicting more", added the prosecutor.

The before and after Rossalyn.


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